Download the demo and see if you can stand the trip ;o)
download the demo and see if you can stand the trip ;o).
superb !.
Download the demo and see if you can stand the trip ;o)
when i surf on this discussion board i feel a lot of anger.
this is totally understandable because a lot of us suffered or still are suffering from their association with the watchtower society.
some of us are victims of child abuse.
Lots of wild flowers grow in the garden and attract cute fat bees :o)
many people on going about their everyday activities whether it's the shopping in town or meeting up with friends someplace don a mask as a disguise against allowing others to see their true feelings on the inside.. what coping masks do you wear, in which situations and do you know why you do this?.
celtic mark - cornwall uk
The curious thing though Queenie, if you were put under the microscope and studied from situation to situation, you may find that, indeed, you do slip into a different character (or mask).
Most people do, often without full acknowledgement. Its a method of coping common to humans. A problem can arise though, whereby the mind fragments and many masks are formed for a variety of situations. Then ..... you have trouble ! The masks start taking over ... bwah, ha... ha... ha.. harrrrr (insert evil laugh).
when i surf on this discussion board i feel a lot of anger.
this is totally understandable because a lot of us suffered or still are suffering from their association with the watchtower society.
some of us are victims of child abuse.
sunshineToo (sorry for the delay - been out gardening)
The motives I mean.. I should have explained.
1. Getting pats on the back from others and seeking approval, which to my mind can be a way of healing, but not the best way
2. Seeking revenge on the org' by blowing off steam and being generally abbusive in attitude - like certain posters here :o)
ahem .... LuckyLucy is it ?
1. Please go to my website and read about me, if you really are interested. My email address there as well if you need any other info' about me, my life, my beliefs.
2. Child abuse - wrong, very wrong, very sick, very twisted. Also, tossed about as a very emotive issue to rise people up against perceived abusers.
3. TROLL - have no idea what you mean, I'm not familiar with the term as regards posting on this board. If you mean cute little goblins with fluffy pink hair, then please, feel free to call me that.
writing should be for our own edification - a personal cleansing, therapeutic at the least.
if you write for other people's approval, you will be disappointed, especially when you share your thoughts on the 'net.
i've seen many folks get 'burn-out' from these boards b/c they don't get the expected respond to their post.
Well, I wasn't going to respond :o)
When I was a DUB (still don't know what that means???) I think for me personally, having pats on the back for ministry certainly helped oil my cogs of activity.
I have always had a low self esteem and have battled through the years to compliment myself, but find it painful. So, to receive compliments from others is easier and feels very nice indeed. Being a JW meant getting lots of nice little ego-massages from brothers and sisters, for being soooooo spiritual.
The approval thing is a strong component of most boards on the net, you're right. But personally, because this is such a distant form of communication, I can afford to be more truthful. For the most part, I don't care what others think of me here. I am truly free to think and say what I want, within reason.
many people on going about their everyday activities whether it's the shopping in town or meeting up with friends someplace don a mask as a disguise against allowing others to see their true feelings on the inside.. what coping masks do you wear, in which situations and do you know why you do this?.
celtic mark - cornwall uk
Prince Fari mask - when I am fired up and need to vent some steam (usually fired up by emotive issue and feeling I need to have a stronger contribution than I would normally offer)
Jimmy Page mask - when I want to be carefree, try to wear this one when I am facing a potentially stressful situation
+ a few others for special occasions ....
when i surf on this discussion board i feel a lot of anger.
this is totally understandable because a lot of us suffered or still are suffering from their association with the watchtower society.
some of us are victims of child abuse.
Rado Vleugel
I'm with you on this one chum - some of the posters here are obviously venting rage, for whatever reason, and it is really negative and counter-productive. I also question the motives of certain posters. Especially those who want to go out of their way to *have a go* at JWs and then post here and say *look - aren't I cool, pat me on the back, I've just had it out with a JW at my door... blah, blah, blah*.
The Watchtower needs to be reformed in some areas, not necessarily burnt to the ground and spat on. There are good people onboard that ship and I still believe that although twisted in some ways, there is truth to be found within (like many spiritual institutions).
I have a friend who is *in the truth* still and I hold back from revealing this board, as although I feel he could benefit from a lot of the information, I think he would focus upon the moronic posts and ignore the gems.
zev, posting as "somebody"
*** w96 1/15 18-19 jehovah's sheep need tender care ***.
if a new one errs
Hmmm.... benefited from studies resulting from abusive behaviour - I'll have to think about that deeply. Doesn't quite sound right somewhere along the line :o)
I agree about red meat by the way .... I never touch it myself.
zev, posting as "somebody"
*** w96 1/15 18-19 jehovah's sheep need tender care ***.
if a new one errs
Well Englishman .... take your *accepted* argument to the doctors at the main hospitals throughout Birmingham, you may have a heated argument on your hands. Knowing the comments that have been made to my partner who walks in these circles.
I think some issues in society are pretty clear. Smoking should not be tolerated in reality as it is clearly a wrong. All that cash spent researching the ill effects of smoking, what a waste. All the cash spent in the health service supporting the selfish, while people with real need are pushed down the waiting lists.
But wait - all that lovely VAT that smoking generates for the governments around the globe. Wait, could there be a reason why it isn't outlawed?
Fascist that I am - I'd ban it and shoot the manufacturers :o)
zev, posting as "somebody"
*** w96 1/15 18-19 jehovah's sheep need tender care ***.
if a new one errs
Yes, smokers need help and a kick up the ass.
Personally I won't let anybody smoke in my house. Regardless. They have to go into the garden.
Maybe the Watchtower guys view it in the same way as I do .... to keep their house clean. Also, if you believe in God, surely it shows a lack of respect to damage life given ?
Just a thought. One that I will no doubt be punished for ;o)
ps. It is estimated that 1/3 of all litter in the UK is generated by smokers .... certainly looks that way when you walk through the city I live in.
pps. yes, I used to smoke, many moons ago :o)